Undertale Yellow is a fan-made prequel to the beloved Undertale game. Embark on a heartfelt adventure, meet endearing characters, and engage in strategic battles with a unique storyline.
Undertale Yellow is a tribute to Toby Fox's Undertale. Fans may also enjoy the original Undertale, Deltarune, or Lisa: The Painful RPG.
Use arrow keys to move, interact with objects using Z, and navigate battles with precise timing and strategic choices.
Undertale Yellow is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring a seamless and engaging gameplay experience wherever you play.
Undertale Yellow is unblocked on school and public networks, making it a perfect choice for engaging and story-driven gameplay during breaks.
Invite friends to experience the world of Undertale Yellow. Share your favorite moments, strategies, and endings in this captivating prequel adventure!