The Visitor Returns is the dark and thrilling sequel to The Visitor. Solve puzzles to help the alien parasite consume creatures, grow stronger, and cause chaos.
The Visitor Returns, created by Zeebarf, continues the story of the iconic horror game. Fans of this game might also enjoy The Visitor, Trollface Quest Horror, or Don't Escape.
Use your mouse to interact with the environment and solve puzzles. Discover the correct sequence of actions to progress the alien's journey.
The Visitor Returns is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring a smooth and spooky gaming experience on any platform.
The Visitor Returns is unblocked on school and public networks, making it a perfect choice for eerie puzzle-solving fun during your free time.
Share your playthrough with friends and compare how you solve the puzzles. Discuss the creepiest moments and enjoy the thrilling storyline together!